Feeling good programme

Investment: Bespoke rates for groups

Programme Details:

2 X Business Yoga sessions (30 mins) 

1 X Yoga Nidra Relaxation sessions (30 mins) 

2 X Breathing works sessions (30 mins) 

2 X Mindfulness for Stress Management special sessions (60 mins) 

1 x Corporate Yoga session (60 mins)


• Video recording of the business yoga sessions

• Audio recordings of the yoga nidra relaxation

• Handout of the breathing works sessions

• Handout of the mindfulness for stress management sessions and audio recording of the meditation techniques explored.


Suggested schedule for the Feeling Good Programme:

Week 1

Session 1: Business Yoga. Participants will also be encouraged to practice on their own with the video recording of the session.

Session 2:  Mindfulness for Stress Management (part A). There will be some suggested homework for the participant to practice on their own.

Week 2

Session 1: Breathing works session (I)

Session 2: Yoga Nidra Relaxation

Week 3

Session 1: Business Yoga

Session 2: Mindfulness for Stress Management (part B). There will be some suggested homework for the participant to practice on their own.

Week 4

Session 1: Breathing works session (II).

Session 2: Corporate Yoga session (60 mins).

Or scroll down to find out more about each of these session types…

Patricia created a very welcoming and relaxing atmosphere, especially for those of us, including myself, who had never experienced yoga before. This was perfect to get a bit of peaceful time in the middle of a busy professional schedule.
All clients were delighted and I will certainly get in touch again with Patricia.
— Florian Chebance (Marketing Edinburgh)

About The Sessions

Business Yoga Sessions

30 minutes sessions, no yoga clothes or yoga mats are needed. A chair and connection to internet is enough! The sessions are suitable for everyone regardless the level of fitness. These sessions are the best break between meetings for your delegates, employees and clients or the best way to start or finish your day at work.

Designed to improve your employees' physical and emotional wellbeing, satisfaction, motivation, performance, productivity, commitment and loyalty.

Yoga Nidra – Relaxation Sessions

30 minutes sessions: No yoga clothes or yoga mats are needed. Just a space to lie down for 30 minutes and enjoy a guided relaxation. These sessions are suitable for everyone. 

The guided relaxation, or yoga nidra, help to increase creativity and contribute to enforce the immune system in the body. These sessions are perfect before a brain storm activity at the office, before an important meeting or just as a way or unwinding after a busy day at work

Corporate Yoga

Sessions of up to 60 minutes designed to help people within the organizations to offer the best of themselves, changing from the inside, and to navigate through opportunities and challenges with more resistance, commitment and happiness. 

​In these tailor made sessions yoga or sport clothes and yoga mats will be needed. 

The sessions are suitable for everyone regardless the level of fitness as they will adapted to each particular group. After the first session the participants will be able to participate in the content of the classes if there is anything in particular they want to work on. 

​These sessions are perfect for co-workers as they enforce the team building spirit by creating a sense of community even when run online! The sessions are designed to improve your employees' physical and emotional wellbeing, satisfaction, motivation, performance, productivity, commitment and loyalty.

Breathing work Sessions

BW is a program of personal and professional development to train our mental, physical and emotional abilities, making possible a high performance and a sustainable wellbeing. 

Breathing is the base of everything: techniques for its understanding and practice orientated to objectives performance, health and productivity.

Breathing is the connection between the body and the mind. The breath is disturbed and changes by the mind in an automatic way. Being the breath the only physiological process that can be either voluntary or involuntary, we can influence the mind by simply changing the breathing pattern. Emotions and breath are connected and through this program we will learn to control the emotions by controlling the breath.

BODY BREATHING. Movement moves the mind. Practical session to improve the posture and emotional habits through the breathing, release tension and activate vitality.

MIND BREATHING. Program to enforce the regions in the brain related to attention, concentration, memory and executive functions. 

HEART BREATHING. Synchrony between mind and heart. Training of emotional abilities such as self-knowledge and empathy to improve the employee’s motivation and productivity, as well as to facilitate the management of human teams. 

Mindfulness for Stress Management special sessions

These mindfulness and meditation sessions are based on the fact that the brain has a property of neuroplasticity. Both the brain and the nervous system can change structurally and functionally under the influence of the signals for the environment. Learning and memory are examples of plasticity. Implicitly it follows that meditators are able to change some neural paths in the brain through meditation, and this can result in a dramatic change in your outlook on life events. This profound result of sustained practice, known for many centuries to meditation practitioners, has been confirmed by scientific studies in the last two decades.

The sessions are designed to explore with a practical approach how stress works and how we can learn to respond to any given situation instead of reacting to it. Special emphasis will be on identify stressors and learn how to work with them.


Refunds & Terms

By booking your course you understand that you are holding a space, so reservations for this course are non-refundable. In the unlikely event that Patricia Galavis Yoga has to cancel this course due to unforeseen circumstances you understand that you will receive a full refund. If you are unable to attend the session, a recording can be made available to you so that you can catch up before the next session.